Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 5 - Barrel to the face!

If I was Mario traversing steel platforms while a giant ape threw barrels at me, I would be smacked in the face right now by one of those barrels and be lying on the floor. was not a good day on any level. Wait let me rephrase that. Today was a good day in general, but when it comes to staying on target for the game, I totally lose.

I ate everything wrong and I didn't exercise.

It all started last night. You see, I sing karaoke every Thursday with friends. Usually we snack on foods at some point during the night. Well come midnight there was a suggestion for a Del Taco run. I went along knowing I shouldn't and ended up eating a burger, fries and a King Taco. I washed that all down with a soda. I broke a bunch of my rules! Sad part is Del Taco really sucks. If you're going to cheat why cheat with crappy foods.

As a result though I woke up this morning and felt icky. I had to take my wife to the doctor for a couple of test related to the baby. So that initially threw things and then it just spiraled. Here's the menu rundown for today.

Breakfast - Tomato and cheese melt on wheat
Snack - Prosciutto and Gruyere Croissant
Lunch - BLT and avocado sub from Ralph's with a handful of Buffalo pretzel chips
Snack - More buffalo pretzel chips
Per dinner(oh yes there was that) - Assorted cheeses(cheddar, white truffles and triple cream brie) with olive and crackers
Dinner - Assorted sushi - One plate full
Dessert - samples of Yummy cupcakes which probably equaled one whole one

I also didn't exercise due to my wife's appointment and then after that spending the day at her mom;s house with our nephew. We followed that with a party at a friends. So there just wasn't time. Still regardless it stinks. I'm hoping I didn't totally screw myself for my weight in. At least I'll know if I do it came from another side of another family.

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